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* rpc.h --
* User declarations for dealing with the Sprite RPC system.
* Copyright (C) 1987 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* $Header: /sprite/src/lib/include/RCS/rpc.h,v 1.8 91/05/30 13:12:56 jhh Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _RPCUSER
#define _RPCUSER
#include <cfuncproto.h>
#include <sprite.h>
#include <spriteTime.h>
* All RPC names should fit in a char array this long (including the
* trailing null byte).
* The record counting various RPC client system events.
typedef struct Rpc_CltStat {
* Counters incremented during dispatch.
int toClient; /* # of packets destined for client side RPC */
int badChannel; /* # of packets discarded because of a bad channel */
/* (toClient - badChannel) msgs passed to dispatch */
int chanBusy; /* # of times input was dropped because the channel
* it was for was busy, ie. not waiting for input */
int badId; /* # of packets discarded because of a bad (old) ID */
* requests = replies + aborts
int requests; /* # of request messages sent to the server */
int replies; /* ... of replies from the server. Not counting
* on going RPCs, the total # of requests should
* equal the sum of timeouts, tooManyAcks, errors
* and replies. */
int acks; /* # of acknowledgment received from the server */
int recvPartial; /* # of partial acks received from the server */
int nacks; /* # of negative acknowledgements from the server */
int reNacks; /* # of nacks after first for requests */
int maxNacks; /* # of nacks after setting max backoff wait */
* timeouts = resends + aborts + sentPartial
int timeouts; /* # of timeouts waiting for a reply message */
int aborts; /* # of times an RPC aborted because of timeouts */
int resends; /* # of messages resent to the server */
int sentPartial; /* # of partial acks sent to the server */
int errors; /* ... of errors received from the server, these
* errors are reflections of errors during
* execution of the RPC, or errors during dispatch
* of the RPC on the server. */
int nullErrors; /* ... of times return error code was null */
int dupFrag; /* # of duplicate frags received */
int close; /* # of close requests from the server */
int oldInputs; /* Same as badID, but when recieved by process */
int badInput; /* # times received unexpected message type */
int tooManyAcks; /* # of times a large number of acks were
* received while waiting for a reply. Could be
* incremented more than once per RPC */
* These fields record events related to allocating channels
int chanWaits; /* ... of times a process had to wait for a channel. */
int chanBroads; /* ... of times a broadcast was done to wake up
* processes waiting for channels. */
int chanHits; /* ... of times a channel was reallocated to the same
* server. */
int chanNew; /* ... indicates how many different channels have been
* allocated. The system tries to allocate a
* different channel for different servers.*/
int chanReuse; /* ... of times a channel had to allocated for a
* server that was different from the one it had
* been allocated to before. */
int newTrouble; /* ... of times a server not already ramped down
is ramped down by client. */
int moreTrouble; /* ... of times a server already ramped down is again
noted as sending nacks. */
int endTrouble; /* ... of times a server previously ramped down is
marked as okay again. */
int noMark; /* ... of times there was no room to mark a server
as in trouble - too many servers in trouble! */
int nackChanWait; /* ... of waits for busy channel 'cause ramped down. */
* These are common to both client-side and server-side
int paramOverrun; /* ... of times the parameters were too big */
int dataOverrun; /* ... of times the data was too big */
int shorts; /* ... of too short packets discarded by Rpc_Dispatch */
int longs; /* ... of too long packets trimmed down, Rpc_Dispatch */
} Rpc_CltStat;
* The record counting various RPC server system events.
* Warning: the kernel routine RpcResetSrvStat relies on the fact that
* the stats are an array of ints.
typedef struct Rpc_SrvStat {
int toServer; /* # messages to the server half of RPC */
int noAlloc; /* # srvr msgs discarded due to no srvr proc avail */
int nacks; /* # neg acks sent */
int invClient; /* # srvr msgs discarded from invalid clients */
int serverBusy; /* # requests ignored because srvr proc was busy */
/* Messages passed to RpcServerDispatch is equal to
* toServer - noAlloc - invClient */
int requests; /* # messages that start a new RPC */
int impAcks; /* # requests that imp acked previous reply */
int handoffs; /* # times complete message handed to srvr proc */
int fragMsgs; /* # of packets that were the first fragment of msg */
/* requests = handoffs + fragMsgs - serverBusy */
int handoffAcks; /* # acks sent when handoff occurred */
int fragAcks; /* # acks sent when fragment received */
int sentPartial; /* # of partial acknowledgments sent */
int busyAcks; /* # acks sent when srvr proc was busy with request */
int resends; /* # of reply messages that were resent */
int badState; /* # msgs ignored because srvr in unexpected state */
int extra; /* # msgs ignored because srvr was SRV_FREE */
int reclaims; /* # times a server process was forcibly reclaimed
* from an unreachable client */
int reassembly; /* # of packets that were reassembled */
/* Total number of fragments received is the sum of
* fragMsgs + dupFrag + reassembly */
int dupFrag; /* # duplicate fragments received */
int nonFrag; /* # nonFrag msgs ignored when srvr was SRV_FRAGMENT */
int fragAborts; /* # requests that aborted previous frag assembly */
int recvPartial; /* # of partial acks received */
int closeAcks; /* # acks that close a connection, RPC_CLOSE */
int discards; /* # broadcasts discarded because of SRV_NO_REPLY */
int unknownAcks; /* # of unexpected types of acks */
int mostNackBuffers;/* high-water mark of nack buffers used */
int selfNacks; /* # of nacks we tried to send ourselves */
} Rpc_SrvStat;
* Commands for the Test_Rpc system call.
* This is invoked via
* status = Test_Rpc(command, argPtr);
#define TEST_RPC_ECHO 1
#define TEST_RPC_SEND 2
typedef struct Rpc_EchoArgs {
int serverID; /* Sprite host ID of echo target */
int n; /* Number of repetitions */
int size; /* Size of packet, up to 16 K bytes */
Address inDataPtr; /* Pointer to send buffer */
Address outDataPtr; /* Pointer to receive buffer */
Time *deltaTimePtr; /* Elapsed time of all n tests */
} Rpc_EchoArgs;
extern void Rpc_GetName _ARGS_ ((int rpcNum, int resultLen, char *resultPtr));
#endif /* _RPCUSER */